What is the best pet deodorizer for carpet cleaning?

pet deodorizer
carpet cleaning

Dogs might be any number of things: fluffy, nude, slender, or round, but they can all share a basic trait: they occasionally stink. It’s certain that your fur baby will leave behind some unpleasant aromas, whether it’s the remnants of a failed housebreaking attempt or your dog’s signature scent that lingers in his hair and dander.

If you have carpeting, these odours can linger a little longer with pet urine, but you can fight back using carpet based deodorizers and stain removers with a fresh scent.

Is it true that pets cannot use carpet deodorizers?

Carpet deodorising products are like any other household cleaners in that they should be used with caution around four-legged family members.

It is important to make sure that any prospective carpet deodorizer recipe is safe to use around dogs, as certain chemicals are not pet-friendly and can cause trouble long after they have dried if licked or bitten.

It’s a good idea to check the package for a dog- or pet-friendly seal before making a purchase. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so if you’re not sure, it’s best to ask your vet.

In addition, as is the case with the use of any cleaning product, you should confine your dog somewhere while the carpet is being treated and wait for it to dry completely before letting it back inside.

Your dog has a more keen sense of smell than you might think, so it’s important to keep the room well aired at all times.

Pet-safe carpet deodorizers

Although they are designed to be safe for pets, not all carpet deodorizers achieve the same level of effectiveness.

Determining your requirements and desired outcomes is crucial to achieving success.

Mainly, carpet deodorizers neutralize scents by:


Enzymes aid the bacteria that digest the chemicals in biological waste that cause the stink.

Substances that can be oxidized: Urine’s offensive odor can be removed with the use of oxidizing cleaners by removing electrons from urine molecules.

Natural oils from the fruit, like orange oil and other citrus-based cleansers, neutralize urine and other unpleasant odors.

The acids in a stain or odorous area can be neutralized using a neutralizer, removing the odor altogether.

Cleaning products that use fragrances mask unpleasant odors with a heavy dose of fragrance.

Cleaning enzymes or oxidizing deodorizers, provided they are carpet- and pet-safe, are your best bets if you have a disaster on hand that needs to be cleaned up.

The same is probably true for them, which are the best alternative for removing old stains.

Orange oils or neutralizers are great for eliminating persistent unpleasant odors that have no apparent source, while perfumes are perfect for touching up regions in between cleanings, such as your dog’s favorite resting area.

pet deodorizer

The Best Pet Safe Carpet Deodorizers

To Remove Stains and Odors, Use Rocco & Roxie

Rocco & Roxie Stain & Odor Eliminator is an enzymatic mixture that employs active bacteria to eliminate unpleasant odors and stains from your carpet.

This deodorizer can be used on carpets and other surfaces. It has a professional-strength formula. Additionally, we have included it in our list of the top carpet cleaners that are designed to remove dog urine.


developed using a bio-enzymatic composition that attacks the odor at its source.

The Carpet & Rug Institute has validated that it is safe to use on all colorfast carpets.

Compatible with a wide variety of flooring types, including carpeting, hardwood, tile, and more

Woolite Super Effective Pet Stain & Odor Remover

Woolite Advanced Pet Stain and Odor Remover is a powerful cleanser that will get rid of the source of unpleasant odors while restoring the carpet’s original beauty. It’s ideal for households with pets because it effectively removes a wide variety of foul substances, including feces, urine, blood, and more.


Works on both carpets and upholstery

Sanitizes, freshens the air, and eliminates odours

Effective against S. aureus and E. aerogenes, among other germs (99.9%);

Anger Orange Pet Odour Remover

Through the use of citrus, Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator is able to eradicate even the most tenacious of odors, such as bile and urine. In addition, it is free of toxic ingredients that could make you or your dog sick

pet deodorizer


approved for use on a wide variety of surfaces, including carpet, wood, upholstery, litter boxes, and more.

Use as needed; simply spritz on the affected area to eliminate odor.

Safe for use on outside structures including kennels, beds, and stables

Homemade Candy Carpet Odor Remover

Do-It-Yourself Candy’s Carpet Deodorizer eliminates odors with the power of baking soda and adds a pleasant aroma with your choice of essential oil that is safe for use around pets. Wait a while for it to set in, and then vacuum it up.


Soda bicarbonate for baking

Essential oils like lavender and peppermint that are safe for pets


  • In a 16-ounce container, mix together 1 cup of baking soda and 7 to 8 drops of an essential oil safe for dogs.
  • After everything has been thoroughly combined, fill the remaining space with baking soda and then add another 7 or 8 drops of the essential oil.
  • Repeatedly combine well.
  • The best results will be achieved if you wait a day to use the combination after it has rested.
  • Simply sprinkle the mixture lightly on your carpeting, wait 10 minutes, and then vacuum it up. Keep your dog away from the area while it sits. A longer resting time is indicated for odors that have built up (up to 24 hours).

Some More Advice on Carpet Cleaning for Pet Owners

Even if you have a whole zoo of fur babies, you can still keep your home smelling fresh by breaking out of your normal routine once in a while. Adding an extra carpet cleaning machine or trying out a new product are both easy ways to improve conditions.

carpet cleaning

If you follow these simple rules, your home will always have a pleasant aroma:

Your dog needs regular baths, and if his coat is long, regular brushing will help keep his environment cleaner. Daily vacuuming will prevent the buildup of dog odors in your carpets and flooring. Even better, invest in a model that is specifically designed to deal with dog hair.

Carpet broom: 

A carpet broom made specifically for picking up dog hair can be a lifesaver if you have a heavy shedder like a husky and are having trouble getting rid of all the hair. Get ready to be astounded by what the fur-grabbers find!

Routine carpet maintenance: 

Dirt2tidy cleanings help keep carpets looking and smelling their best by reducing the buildup of dirt, debris, and pet dander.

If there isn’t enough ventilation, carpets and upholstered furniture can pick up bad smells from the air. If the weather permits, open the windows and doors to let in some fresh air. Furthermore, an air purifier that is safe for use in homes with pets is recommended.

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