How To Clean Your House From Top To Bottom For The New Year?

If you’ve had guests over for the holidays or thrown a New Year’s Eve bash and now realise your house is a mess, the new year is the perfect opportunity to give your home cleaning in preparation for 2023.
The places where we live say a lot about who we are. Everything that we have amassed throughout the years is stored there. It’s like watching a part of ourselves dissolve when we start clearing out the clutter.
Have a look at our advice on how to thoroughly clean your home in preparation for the New Year.
Use It as a Timepiece!
The thought of devoting a whole day to cleaning and organizing your house with cleaning products and cleaning cloths may sound appealing. If you try to complete everything at once, you can get exhausted before you finish a deep clean. Instead, lock yourself in a room for an hour every day.
If you find that you need more time than an hour per day to complete the assignment, you can break it up into smaller chunks. Take care of all the garments in the house instead of just one, and put the cloths in the washing machine. Then, move on to the next category and keep working on it until it is also finished.
Prepare the Kitchen First
A good place to start clearing out clutter is in the space you spend the most time in. It’s the kitchen make sure you keep dish soap, baking soda, and white vinegar handy with a microfiber cloth to remove those stubborn stains from kitchen cabinets.
Put away, or at least put to one side until you can organise, anything that doesn’t belong on the counter.
Get rid of expired food and clean out the fridge. You can keep your refrigerator looking neat and tidy with the help of baskets and other storage solutions.
Throw away any plastic storage containers for which you do not have matching lids. You should clean the inside and outside of all of your storage units.
To keep your microwave smelling fresh and free of crust, try heating a bowl of vinegar and lemon juice for 10 minutes.
Don’t only clean the outside of the garbage can; scrub the inside as well.
Spaces Dedicated to Sleeping and Storing Personal Items
Your bedroom and closets are next on the list. Donate your old clothes if they don’t fit, you don’t like them, or you haven’t worn them in more than a year. Clear out your closet, then clean it and give it a good vacuuming.
You should also do this with any dressers you may have. Then, hang or refold whatever you intend to keep neatly so that you can quickly find what you need when you need to get dressed is a useful cleaning tip.
Rooms for Children and Play Areas
Organizing a child’s room is a constant source of frustration. They develop emotional attachments to their toys and are reluctant to part with them. Collaborate with your children to think of a creative way to help others while also getting rid of the things they no longer use.
Clean up the playroom by getting rid of all the clutter.
If an item isn’t being used, isn’t age-appropriate, or is broken, you should either donate it or get rid of it.
Use disinfectant wipes on the toys you plan to preserve, then store them among others of the same kind.
Do you have a large collection of children’s artwork?
Grab this opportunity to select your favourites and display them in kid-friendly spaces!
It’s time to clean up the laundry room and get it in order.
Doing most of the laundry?
Make it a place you enjoy spending time in! Keep your laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and scented pellets in beautiful containers.
Although it might be a headache, keeping up with the laundry is essential for a tidy home and now is the perfect time.
The restroom is our next stop. Empty all of the cupboards, drawers, and display cases. Choose which items to keep and which to discard.
You should give the place a good cleaning, change the linens, and clean the windows with a glass cleaner.
Half-used containers can be combined to make better use of storage space. It’s a good idea to go through your linen closet in the bathroom and turn old towels into rags or donate them if you haven’t used them in a while.
Space and Levels of an Office
Let’s start using these methods at the home offices you already have. If you want the best results from your computer, you should wipe down the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse. Compressed air can be used to blow any crumbs, dust, or other unwanted particles from under the keys of a keyboard.
Now is the time to organize your files if you haven’t already. Throw away any old files you may still be holding on to. Then, sort out the records you’ll be keeping.
Floors should be swept, mopped, and vacuumed all over the house, as this is a rather quiet day.
In Different Places
When cleaning and organising your home, there are some additional areas to pay attention to.
Those parts of the house that are not used as often
- Garage
- Community areas
- Ways to the Great Outdoors and Beyond
The same method will be used for all of these locations. Put an hour on the clock and start to work. Get rid of everything in the space except the essentials and the sentimental.
Cleaning your home is not a simple task. From the ceiling fan to the stainless steel you have to follow a top-to-bottom approach. Every day, we have to make a lot of decisions that may not seem important, but they can quickly add up to a lot of stress.
Once you’ve cleaned up your area, you’ll find it much simpler to put it to its intended purpose. That’ll put you in a better mood and relieve some pressure.
Get in touch with us today for a free estimate if you need some additional assistance sprucing up your home.