How to clean a carpet when orange juice spills on it?

orange juice
carpet cleaning

Orange juice can be removed from the carpet in several ways, like using white vinegar or dishwashing detergent. If you act quickly, you won’t need expensive tools or cleaning solutions to remove the juice. First, blot the stain with a clean, dry towel.

Older stains may require stronger cleaning products. Homemade cleaners for orange juice stains



Bowl sTeaspoon


Hot water


VINEGAR (optional)

orange juice


Get paper towels or dry cloths once orange juice hits the carpet.

Soak up the orange juice with cloths/paper towels. Depending on how much juice spilt, this may take a few minutes.

Press down on cloth/paper towels to absorb liquid.

When the carpet feels dry, stop soaking it.

two teaspoons of dish soap and two cups of warm water.


Find a hidden carpet area.

Wet a clean, white cloth and blot the carpet before rinsing the area.

If the carpet doesn’t react, the mixture can remove the orange juice stain. If the carpet loses its color, stop using the mixture.

Reapply soapy water to the orange juice stain.

orange juice

Wring out the cloth; 

  • Only use damp cloths with cold water to clean carpets.
  • Soak the stain from the outside in to remove the juice (which stops the stain from spreading further).
  • Then blot it dry with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Repeat Steps 12 and 13 until the carpet is clean.
  • When you’re done, use a damp cloth to remove any soap residue.
  • Use a dry, clean cloth to absorb carpet moisture.
  • Repeat until the carpet is nearly dry.
  • Do not walk on the carpet, and leave windows and doors open to let in fresh air.
  • When the carpet is dry, vacuum it to restore its fluffiness.

orange juice

Standard carpet cleaners

To effectively remove carpet stains, a variety of carpet stain removers can be used. These products remove toughened dirt from carpets and neutralise musty odours, and they come with a handy applicator brush.

The brush head’s bristles can penetrate deep into carpet fibres to remove fruit juice stain bits. This product contains oxygen-based bleaching agents, so test it first.

Call a professional carpet cleaner or rent a carpet cleaner

If the above methods don’t work, you can call a professional carpet cleaner or rent a carpet cleaner for the day.

If you’re renting a machine for the day, choose a reputable company, ask questions, and find out what fees and products you’ll need. Rug Doctor and HSS Hire rent Karcher carpet cleaners. A quick online search should reveal local carpet cleaners.

Old Orange Juice Stains on Carpet

To remove an old orange juice stain, use stronger cleaning chemicals.

  1. Professional carpet stain removers are one option. Test the product before using it. Ammonia is a last resort.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with two cups of warm water, then dab the solution on the orange juice stain.
  3. After applying ammonia to the carpet, blot it with a damp cloth. The carpet must then be dry-blasted.
  4. Ammonia is a strong chemical that could discolour your carpet, so do a patch test first.
  5. When using harsh chemicals, wear protective gear, keep kids and pets out of the room, and open windows for ventilation.

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