Can carpet cleaning remove pet stains?

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carpet cleaning

We love our pets, and it’s not unusual for them to feel like honorary family members. When you own a dog or cat, there are some bad things that can happen, like urinating on the rug or carpet by accident and setting the stain. This is just a fact of pet ownership: it is sometimes hard to avoid pet stains from carpets to carpet cleaning.

Urine from dogs and cats can be cleaned out of carpets if the stains are treated quickly with the right tools and cleaning products. Urine stains should never be scrubbed, and only cleaners made for pets should be used to get the urine out of the carpet fibres and get rid of the smell from pet urine stains.

Sometimes these unfortunate accidents occur, and there are many incorrect ways to remove stains and odours from dog and cat urine on carpets. Read on to find out what to do and what not to do when your pet has an accident on the carpet and how cleaning the carpet can help a lot to get rid of the urine odours.

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Does urine from a dog or cat ruin a carpet?

Urine of any kind, including that of dogs and cats, has corrosive enzymes that make it smell bad and can leave stains on the carpet if it isn’t cleaned properly. Urine won’t ruin a carpet right away, but there are many ways that people can speed up the damage by freaking out and cleaning up the mess the wrong way.

For example, putting a store-bought cleaner on the urine right away and scrubbing it hard will cause the chemicals in the cleaner to mix with the strong enzymes in the urine, which will damage the carpet fibres. This is because the fibres have to deal with two things that eat away at them at the same time.

You should instead grab some paper towels or an old cloth and soak up as much urine as you can right away by blotting the area. When you do this step, be sure to wear gloves.

carpet cleaning

carpet cleaning

This step is also suggested if your pet has an accident on the furniture, so you can try to keep as many of the fine fibres of the fabric as possible. In this case, the carpet can be ruined by scrubbing the urine into it.

You can also use white vinegar or baking soda on the affected area to remove pet urine from the carpet.

Why Should Pet Pee Make You Clean the Carpet?

We’ve already talked about how it’s usually not a good idea to try to get pet urine out of a carpet.

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So what’s the best way to deal with urine on the carpet?

The best thing to do is always to clean the carpet, since the powerful tools and steam cleaning technology can get rid of both the smell and any stains that pet urine might leave behind.

When a pet pees on the carpet, most people do everything they can to get rid of the smell and the urine. For pet stain removal, most store-bought cleaners are designed with pleasant scents in mind rather than deep cleaning. This will make the smell of urine much, much worse when trying to clean it.

carpet cleaning

carpet cleaning

Urine smells so strong that perfumes and scents can’t be smelled over it.

Even worse, perfumes and scents can mix with urine to make a smell that is usually much worse than the urine alone. The only true way to eliminate this odor is to completely wash away the compounds that cause it by steam cleaning carpets and removing our furry friends’ urine.

If urine is left to dry in the carpet, it can be washed out by a professional carpet cleaner. Even so, it is still important to soak up as much urine as possible.

When steam cleaning, extremely hot water is sucked out of the spot, which cleans, sanitises, and gets rid of any lingering smells.

The best way to clean up urine isn’t to use perfumes and scents to mask the smell. Instead, you should clean up all of the urine and then sanitise the area to get the rug or carpet back to how it was before.

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