Why does the carpet turn brown after cleaning it?

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Carpets often develop brown or yellow stains after using certain cleaning products, leading to a common question: “Why do brown stains appear after professional carpet cleaning?”
In this guide, we’ll explore the possible reasons behind these stubborn brown spots on your carpet and provide practical solutions to address each issue effectively.

Why does my carpet have brown spots after cleaning it?
Carpet wicking is the reason why brown spots keep coming back.The process of wicking is directly linked to the browning of carpet pad. Wicking happens when you clean the carpet and get it wet with excess moisture.
The deeper parts of the carpet fibers soak up all the extra water after cleaning process. The deeper parts of the fiber then push the moisture to the surface of the carpet by evaporation. This is what makes your carpet turn brown. The moisture is pushed up the fiber strains and comes back as a stain.
If you’ve tried to clean this carpet stain over and over, but the same stain keeps coming back, it’s probably because of your cleaning method. The solution is to make sure that the carpet dries well after cleaning agents have been removed.
Put a stack of absorbent paper towels on top of the wet spot and put something heavy on top of the paper towels to press them into the carpet. This will make sure that all of the moisture is gone.
Give the towels and the heavy things at least 24 hours to do their job. You can also use a wet vacuum to get rid of any extra water.

Baking Soda
Use baking soda on the stain after 24 hours. The baking soda will soak up any moisture that could come back up, and it will also make your carpet smell better.
After about two to three hours, you can vacuum up the baking soda.Most of the time, wicking is to blame when a carpet turns brown.

Cellulosic browning could be what makes a carpet or rug turn brown after it has been cleaned. Cellulose carpet fibers in jute carpet can change color if they get wet, are cleaned with harsh chemicals, or dry slowly. When jute fibers get old, they can make brown or reddish dyes that move to the surface of the carpet after being cleaned.
If your carpet is made of natural fibers, it’s best to call a professional after cleaning service because a water stain will cause cellulose browning, which can’t be cleaned with regular methods.
Browning is more likely to happen with wool, sisal, or cotton carpets, or when the carpet is old enough for advanced cellulosic fiber degradation to happen. Hire a professional carpet cleaning company like Dirt2Tidy to bring your carpet back to pristine condition.