What is the best way to clean cat vomit from carpet?

Removing or clean cat vomit from carpet is one of the most uncomfortable chores, but with the correct equipment, those yucky stains can be removed from clothing, beds, carpets, and other surfaces.
As with most spills, the best course of action is to clean up the mess as quickly as possible. Depending on the stain there are alternative approaches, but you’ll want to stock up on these goods first for the best chance of success.
How to clean cat vomit from carpet
Scrape off any excess vomit first. Then, to absorb up as much puke as possible, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch over the stain. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for the mixture to settle before vacuuming.
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Next, combine two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of hand dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon of white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
Spot test the stain with this solution and dab with a clean white towel until the liquid is absorbed. To remove the detergent/vinegar solution, sponge with cold water and blot the stain dry.
How to Get Rid of Vomit Stains on Furniture
Your couch isn’t completely ruined yet, but you’ll need Good Housekeeping Seal Holder Bissell Professional Pet Stain and Odor Remover to restore it. Scrape off any excess vomit first. Using a clean white cloth, wipe the stain with a spritz of water. Rep until the stain is no longer visible.
The most basic cat vomit carpet cleaning method
If you catch the vomit when it’s still fresh, you might be able to get away with a basic vinegar-and-water remedy.
Fill a spray bottle halfway with vinegar and set it aside. Fill the remaining half with water and shake it vigorously. Toss any chunky vomit debris into a garbage bag with a pair of gloves or tweezers, then give the stain a nice thorough dousing.
Allow it to sit for a few minutes before returning with an old cloth or t-shirt. Blot as much as possible, since washing the stain will just push it further into your carpet. Repeat this procedure as many times as you need to.
If the stain persists, add a dab of soap to the vinegar-water solution, or sprinkle the area with baking soda over the stain, let it soak for 15 minutes, then vacuum it away. Both the soap and the baking soda can aid in the removal of stains and the healing of discoloration.

If you have a lot of cat vomit stains
Most cat vomit stains on most fabrics may be removed with vinegar, water, baking soda, and dish soap. But not all of them.
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Some porous or woven rug materials may be more prone to retain cat vomit’s lingering negative effects, so go into the closet for something a little more powerful. If you’re afraid to use harsh cleaners, consider Naptha balls or an organic pet stain remover as a compromise. Before you use your first round of stain remover, make sure to test a corner of your carpet. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
In easy steps, learn how to clean vomit
- Use gloves or a plastic bag to protect your hands.
- Scrape up as much vomit as you can with a blunt object, cloth, or paper towel before cleaning.
- Wet the stain with a commercial or homemade cleaning solution and wipe it clean.
- Repeat until the stain is gone, or add a thin coating of cornstarch or baking soda to absorb any extra liquid.
- Vacuum after the powder has dried for a new, clean carpet.
- Cleaning carpets of dried vomit
- Dry Vomit
- Dry-on vomit is tough to remove, but it’s not always easy to locate or clear a stain quickly away, especially if you have dogs or small children. Although more difficult to remove than fresh vomit, a carpet with dried vomit may still be cleaned. Baking soda may be used to remove vomit from a carpet.
The first step in eliminating dried-on vomit is to clean up the mess as much as possible. The procedure is identical to that of removing new vomit, with the addition of dampening the vomit to aid removal. Be aware that this will cause it to re-smell, so be prepared!