How to remove fabric paint from my carpet?

carpet steam cleaning

Fabric paint can produce stunning designs on fabric and carpet stains. Check the paint container for removal directions and a suitable cleaning. If not, removing fabric paint from carpets or rugs depends on how dry it is.

Stained carpets are unsightly. Fortunately, removing paint from the carpet doesn’t take long. This depends on the stain’s age and how quickly you cure it. To minimize the hassle of splashed paint, protect carpets with a durable material before decorating. 

We’ve detailed various types of paint-removal solutions that work well on carpets. Remember to carefully rinse away any cleaning solutions. Read our guide on cleaning carpet stains for further information.

rug cleaning

Carpet emulsion paint removal

Water-based paint dissolves in water, so it’s easy for cleaning. Refer to the paint tin for information on your paint.

Use acetone or methylated spirits to remove paint from a concealed location. Water-based paint peels.

Blot the area with detergent.

Before the paint dries, it’s easier to remove it from carpets and rugs. Depending on how much paint was spilled on your carpet or rug, you may need a spoon to scoop up the wet paint. Then, dab the paint with an old towel. Rub or press gently.

Keep the paint from hardening. 

After blotting, mix 1 tablespoon dish-washing liquid with 1-2 cups of cold water. Use another cloth to wipe the spot with detergent or paint thinner. Not the paint, but this should soak into the carpet. Continue soaking and blotting until the stain is gone. To remove the soapy mixture, wipe with cold water for acrylic paint and oil based paints.


If the discoloration is obstinate, apply alcohol. Alcohol-based wet wipes or hand sanitizer can work. Rubbing alcohol works best, and all alcohol-based treatments should be tried on a small area of the carpet before being used.

After testing, wipe the stain with rubbing alcohol. Blotting is another way to remove paint from rugs without spreading it. Add a spoonful at a time as needed. When the paint is absorbed, dab the stain with another towel. Any remaining paint on the carpet may now be scrubbed and toss.

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Use Acetone

Drying fabric paint may be difficult. Acetone is used to remove nail polish and break up paint. Always test acetone on a hidden area of the carpet or rug first. Acetone may overlight dark carpeting. Scrape dried paint from the rug without tugging or harming the fabric. Remove as much as possible with a dull butter knife, an old credit card, or your fingertips.

Apply acetone with a cloth. Rub and repeat to break up the paint. As you remove paint, dab it. Rinse with cold water to remove the remaining acetone.


What Removes Dried Fabric Paint?

Apply diluted alcohol with a cotton swab or eyedropper to remove cloth paint stains. Soak a clean cloth in alcohol and dab it on the paint to remove heavier places.

How Do You Remove Old Paint From Carpet?

  • Stain paint using dull knife.
  • If the paint isn’t visible, it may take another five minutes.
  • Fill the spray container with dish soap.
  • A clean white towel can erase paint residue.

Does white vinegar remove carpet paint?

White vinegar works effectively for removing paint off surfaces when combined with dish soap and water, which dissolves the paint. How effectively these home solutions work on your carpet stain depends on whatever paint stains you’ve used.

Can Fabric Paint Be Removed?

If you act soon, you may be able to remove most cloth paint using water and detergent. Denature the dissolved medium that binds the pigment to the cloth as well as the water used to dissolve the acrylic pigment in the paint.

Baking soda for carpet paint?

Baking soda could help, but it won’t erase paint stains, and the white stain is hard to remove.

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How to Remove Paint from Carpet?

Wet spots can be made more tolerable using dish detergent. Mix water and dish soap to produce foam using a gentle scrub brush. Rinse paint-stained hands after scrubbing. Evaluate upright or portable carpet cleaners for difficult stains.

Towel the area

Blot up as much paint as possible; rubbing will drive it further into the carpet pile.


Apply hot water and washing-up solutions to dry paint spots using a white towel. (A coloured cloth can stain carpet.) Then, let the solution soften the dry paint for a few minutes before scraping it off with a pin or blunt knife.


Pour plain vinegar onto a clean white cloth and blot the spot (rubbing it may damage the carpet pile and cause fluffy-looking patches). Work from the edges inward. The discoloration will spread.


Remove all paint. Depending on the stubborn stain and paint, this shouldn’t take long.

Clean up

Warm soapy water and a sponge can remove stains and residue. This helps remove paint flecks from the carpet and use a small amount in a spray bottle.

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