How to get rubber cement out of carpet?

Carpet steam cleaning

What you will require for rubber cement spills?

  • Pre- treatment stain remover for laundry
  • Strong liquid detergent

Oxygen bleach or chlorine bleach?

  • Solvent for dry cleaning
  • Paper towels that absorb
  • Particulars regarding the solution
  • Rub the affected region with ice and scrape with the dull side of a knife. Carry on as before.
  • Apply a pretreatment laundry stain remover to the affected area (aerosol types work better on greasy stains) Allow the product to permeate the stain for one minute. Rub with heavy-duty liquid detergent to remove tough spots. Launder right away.

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If the color stain persists, soak/wash with chlorine bleach (if cloth is suitable) or oxygen bleach.

Carpet cleaning

Apply dry cleaning solution to the back of the stain over absorbent paper towels for extra-heavy stains. Allow to dry before rinsing. Carry on as before

  • Carpet
  • Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl)
  • Hydrogen peroxide or dishwashing detergen                              

Cleaning Procedure

Blot with a white paper towel or scrape with a dull knife to remove as much foreign material as possible from the rubber cement stain.

Rubbing alcohol should be applied to a clean white cloth, white paper towel, or cotton ball. If the stain is deep in the pile, use a blotting motion to remove it or until no colour is transmitted to the fabric. 

End of lease cleaning

Allowing the alcohol to permeate the backing will dissolve the latex bond. If the spot is merely on the surface, rub in only one direction at a time. Never use a circular motion to remove the spot since it will ruin the texture. If the spot is eliminated, stop. If not, proceed to the next step.

  • Apply a tiny amount of detergent solution to the affected area for removing rubber cement. Work the detergent into the afflicted region with a blotting motion.
  • Using a spray bottle, rinse with tap water and dab to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray liberally with water, but do not blot; apply a pad of paper towels and the brick, and leave to dry.
  • If the stain remains and blotting does not remove it, wet the tufts in the discoloured area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Allow to stand for one (1) hour. Repeat until the carpet is stain-free. Because light causes peroxide to revert to water, no rinsing is required.
  • Apply a pad of paper towels and secure it with a brick.

End of lease cleaning

Alternative method

  • Dull blade
  • Wet vacuuming (for spilt liquid)
  • Hydrogen peroxide detergent or dry cleaning solvent
  • Blot out as much of the stain as you can with a white paper towel or scrape with a dull knife. If a substantial amount of liquid has been spilt, a wet vacuum is handy.

Apply a tiny amount of detergent solution to the affected area. Work the detergent into the afflicted region with a blotting motion. If the stain is still there, keep adding detergent and wiping with a white paper towel until it is gone.

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Using a spray bottle, rinse with tap water and dab to remove excess moisture.

Spray liberally with water, but do not blot; apply a pad of paper towels and the brick, and leave to dry.

If the stain remains and blotting does not remove it, wet the tufts in the discolored area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Allow to stand for one (1) hour. Repeat until the carpet is stain-free. Because light causes peroxide to revert to water, no rinsing is required. Apply a pad of paper towels and secure with a brick.

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