How often should you clean your carpet in your livingroom?

This is a frequently asked issue, and the answer is that everyone’s needs are different. Although it may not seem very helpful, it is correct. Every family’s cleaning demands vary due to their diverse lives, and there’s no use in clean your carpet that doesn’t need it, is there?
In general, your carpets should be professionally cleaned every 12 months. This is due to two factors. First of all, Australian Standard 3733 says that carpets in homes should be cleaned and maintained at least once a year.
Second, and most likely in accordance with Australian Standards, most high-quality carpet manufacturers suggest professional cleaned every 12 to 18 months in order to satisfy warranty requirements. Carpet life is extended when it is cleaned on a regular basis with right cleaning products.
But, there are certain exceptions to the 12 month norm, and here are some of them.
If you have kids, your carpet will take a battering from their small feet roaming throughout your house and require a deep clean to remove dust and allergens. It’s likely to have dirt and spills, frequently in unexpected locations. (How can dirt get in there?) It’s also likely to have a lot of foot traffic as your kids rush in and out, followed by all of their school buddies.
When a carpet is subjected to this kind of abuse with muddy footprints, it will need more frequent cleaning, especially if it is a light colored carpet. It is fairly uncommon for your carpets to need cleaning every 9 months, but you must determine this for yourself. Keep an eye out for discoloration and sticky spots in high-traffic areas. Those are your cues to contact a professional carpet cleaner.
How often do you clean your carpet when you have pets?
If you have pets that spend the majority of their time inside with you, your carpets may need cleaning every 6 to 9 months. If your pet is becoming elderly and incontinent, you should schedule a professional cleaning every 6 months. If you have no pet pee problems, your carpets will last up to 9 months.
But, pet hair, filth, dander, and anything else they’ve rolled in will eventually make their way into the pile and settle. You may not see a filthy area, but you may detect an unmistakable pet odour or notice your skin getting irritated if you sit on the carpet. A regular steam cleaning by a professional will get rid of all the dirt that has become stuck in the carpet pile.
Singles and couples
If you live alone or with a partner who does not have to share their house with children or pets, your carpets will not need to be cleaned as often. Carpets should be professionally cleaned every two years on average.
Of course, there will be exceptions, particularly if you like throwing parties or entertaining visitors. Spills from food and drink are terrible for carpets, so you may need to schedule a yearly cleaning to keep your carpet in good condition.
End-of-lease cleaning
Sometimes the choice is made for you. Although there are no tenancy regulations requiring you to have your carpets professionally cleaned at the conclusion of your lease, some landlords and agents may include it as a special provision in your lease. Although the law is hazy on whether this is enforceable, it’s typically simpler to simply get them cleaned so you can get your bond back.
So, how often should you get your carpets steam cleaned? Examine how you use your area, follow our instructions, and your carpets will stay clean and attractive for many years to come.