Tips To Protect Carpets From Sun Damage

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Many people worry about how to keep their carpets safe from the sun. The sun’s rays can quickly fade the color of the carpet. Window tints and window films may help to a certain extent to prevent fading of furnitures and carpets.

The carpet can lose its shine when the fibres on top of it wear out. If your carpet is fading, the sun’s ultraviolet rays are probably to blame. As a first step towards protecting the carpet, it would be best not to put it in direct sunlight. We do need light in the house, but we like to open the curtains from the side so that the sun doesn’t shine directly on the carpet.

Using Shades

You can also use the shades outside your house to block the sun from hitting the carpet directly. It won’t let a lot of light directly into the house. Even if you aren’t at home, you won’t have to worry that you left the curtains open. The shades would keep the ultraviolet rays from getting in.

protect carpets

Glass with low emissions

The low emission glass is another way to keep the carpet safe. It’s the glass that can be put in the windows to stop the UV rays from coming straight into the house. You can see the light from outside, and it also gets into the house, but not very well.

Even if you close the curtains, the UV light won’t have a big effect on the carpet. It prevent carpet better than any other method by up to 95%. You won’t have to keep the curtains closed all the time, and the house will get more light.

It keeps the carpet from getting old and doesn’t change the colour either. With its new look, you can keep the same carpet for a long time. Installing low-emission glass in a house doesn’t cost very much.

During the summer, it will also let less heat into the house. In the winter, it will let less heat out of the house with these window treatments.

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protect carpets


You can also get low-e filters that go at the bottom of your windows. Filters like these are put on the windows to cut down on the amount of UV protection light that gets into the house. You can get both e-filters and low emission glass if you want to make a strong barrier against the sun’s rays.

Different Solutions

When the solutions are put on the carpet fibres, they protect it from UV rays. After the solution was put on the carpet, there have been no reports of fading or damage. 

sun damage

More research needs to be done on the solutions that are put on top of the carpet, but it could be one of the ways to avoid UV rays in the future. The problem with the solution is that it tends to attract dirt, so the carpet gets dirty faster than usual. Since more research needs to be done on it, it’s best not to think about this choice right away.

Make sure to keep the carpet away from UV rays in the best way possible if you want to keep its beauty. It’s better to take care of the carpet before it gets damaged than to try to fix it after the fact.

Taking care of things at the right time saves you money and time. It is clear that you won’t be able to change where in the house the sun shines the most. Instead, you can try the ways to completely protect your carpet and still let light into the house.

Use our carpet cleaning  services like Dirt2Tidy to have a professional clean and take care of your carpet.

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