New year resolutions for cleaner carpets

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carpet cleaning

In most cultures, the start of a new year is also the period when people make promises to improve themselves and deep clean homes. Is this year going to be the one in which you finally kick that habit, start working out regularly, or cut back on caffeine?

It’s 2023, so why not challenge yourself by picking up a new pastime or skill? As an alternative, perhaps 2023 will be the year you finally give your house and carpet the attention they deserve with a cleaning resolution that follows a cleaning schedule for house cleaning.

In order to keep your carpet in pristine condition and to safeguard your investment, consider the following carpet cleaning New Year’s resolutions for 2023 and a cleaning routine for a healthy home.

Shoes Off

The greatest danger to your flooring and carpet is not always something you have within your house, but rather something that has entered through an open door. In 2023, do everything you can to protect your carpet from filth and contaminants by making it a policy that everyone who enters the main living space or any carpeted parts of the home must first remove their shoes.

About 60% of the dust, chemicals, and pesticides that get tracked into a house come from people’s shoes.

Investing in door mats for each of your home’s entrances is another good idea. The bottoms of your guests’ shoes will be scraped clean on your new door mats, which is the next best thing to asking them to take them off before entering your home.

carpet cleaner

More vacuum

Have you established a regular schedule for vacuuming? Yes, it is recommended that you do so. The carpet in your home will retain its original appearance with regular vacuuming. There should be at least a daily vacuuming of high-traffic areas, a twice-weekly vacuuming of medium-traffic regions, and a weekly vacuuming of low-traffic areas.

Carpets last longer if they are regularly vacuumed to remove ground-in dirt and debris.

In other words, be environmentally responsible.

You probably didn’t realise this, but several soaps and detergents designed for use on carpets actually contribute to the problem rather than solving it. Soap residue in carpet invites clusters of dirt back in, while chemicals can be harsh on the carpet’s fibres and potentially hazardous to the health of anyone who comes into close contact with them, including you, your kids, and your pets.

In the year 2023, you can safely clean your carpet with water, white vinegar, and baking soda instead of using commercial carpet cleaners that contain harmful chemicals. There is no need to worry about ruining your carpet or putting your health at risk, and you should still achieve the same benefits.

Expert Carpet Cleaning Services

Carpet cleaning or upholstery cleaning isn’t something most people consider unless it’s obviously unclean or has an unpleasant scent. In spite of the lack of obvious soiling or odour, it is still necessary to get your carpet professionally cleaned on a regular basis to ensure the safety of anyone who spends time in your house or workplace. 

Cleaning your carpets on a regular basis helps maintain their health, but there are some environmental contaminants, like bacteria, that your vacuum can’t remove. And for that, you need to hire cleaners. Read our post on “How Often Should I Have My Carpets Cleaned?” to learn more about how to tailor a professional cleaning program to your needs.

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Get Help From Experts

Carpets should be professionally cleaned at least once a year, and preferably twice. Expert carpet cleaners have the equipment and training to get rid of stubborn stains and thoroughly clean the carpet.

If you need your carpets cleaned , look for a company like Dirt2Tidy, that doesn’t use soap or toxic chemicals. Traditional steam cleaners use a lot of soap and water, which can promote the growth of mould and other allergens in your carpet.

new year

Carpets are dry in hours instead of days thanks to the Dirt2Tidy extraction process, which uses 80% less water in steam cleaners and no harsh chemicals. 

Visit our  website, You can get an easy quote and quick responses from our helpful customer support staff.

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