How can I get rid of dirty water stains on my carpet?

The Straightforward Action
Spray this solution onto a clean, soft fabric, and then hold the spray bottle at a distance of several inches from the cloth so that the solution may mist gently over the fibers in equal parts.
While holding the bottle over the fabric at a distance of several inches above it, let the liquid gently mist onto the threads of the fabric. You don’t want to choose fabric that is overly saturated because this might make the problem much more severe.
Using the cloth, dab the water stain on the carpet gently yet rapidly, waiting for the stain to absorb the liquid and begin to break apart as it does so. As soon as the stain begins to come loose, blot it with a dry part of the towel. Do not rub it at any moment, since doing so might cause it to spread. Do not stop dabbing until the stain gradually disappears.
To remove the residue of the detergent that was previously applied to your carpet, wet a second clean towel and blot it over the surface of the carpet once again. The greatest results may be achieved by using your spray bottle with vinegar and water onto the cloth, after which you can begin dabbing the carpet until the fibers are clean without saturating them.
Coming to a Close
You may start drying the carpet now. Put a heavy object on top of a stack of absorbent paper towels and place that stack in the damp location. This will ensure that you remove all of the moisture.
Put something heavy on top of the towels to help them stay in place, such as a small piece of furniture or a vacuum cleaner. Keep it this way for the entire night.
It Is Much Easier Than You Believe
In the final step, sprinkle baking soda over the dirty water stains in order to remove any remaining moisture that may cause the stain to reappear. The carpet will also regain its nice scent as a result of this.
After waiting for about two to three hours, vacuum the region to remove all of the baking powder that is stuck in the carpet.
Attempting to remove dirty water stains from carpet by following these easy procedures should be helpful. It will not only assist in removing the stain, but it will also restore the carpet’s clean appearance as well as its pleasant odor. The personnel at Dirt2Tidy Carpet Cleaning have years of experience that can assist you with cleaning up spills on the carpet.